Charity and Community

Getting involved in our community

St Andrew's Club

Forsters recognises our collective responsibility to be accountable to our clients, staff and the wider community. Our partners and staff work together to support a range of charitable initiatives, and as part of this we are proud to have a firmwide charity that unites staff under one common cause.

The firm’s partnership with St Andrew's Club is a critical part of our wider CSR strategy. Our focus is to support the Club's various initiatives that contribute to the good of the local community. Working together, our partners and staff participate in a range of projects and initiatives that will benefit the Club on a long-term basis.

St Andrew's Club is a community-based youth club that provides fun and educational based activities for young people from the ages of five to adulthood. The Club is located in close proximity to our offices in Mayfair, meaning that we have many opportunities to work with the charity and the young people it supports.

Since establishing our partnership with St Andrew's Club in early 2019, the partners and staff of Forsters have been involved in a number of fundraising and engagement activities including cake bake sales, raffles, charity bike rides, baking competitions, a treasure hunt and a table tennis tournament, as well as participating in their weekly basketball sessions. In 2022 we undertook the Welsh Three Peaks Challenge, raising money for the Club.

In addition to supporting the Club through fundraising, we also provide the staff and young people with pro bono support from our legal and other teams.

Thursday Lunch Club

For many years the firm has run a Lunch Club in conjunction with Grosvenor Chapel, close to our Mayfair offices, for refugees and those without recourse to public funds. Each week volunteers from across the firm spend time preparing and serving lunch to guests and enjoy meeting members of the community around our offices.

Forsters Charitable Trust

The Forsters Charitable Trust is a grant-making charity set up by the partners in 1998. The partners make annual contributions to the charity to enable it to respond to appeals from clients and contacts of the firm, and from members of staff seeking to raise funds for their favourite charities.

Over the years the Forsters Charitable Trust has been able to support a wide range of charities with donations from a few hundred pounds to much more substantial sums. This includes supporting a ‘staff charity’ each year, which members of staff nominate and decide by vote.

CSR Days

We encourage all members of the firm to take one day, or two half days, during working hours to volunteer for a cause they are interested in supporting.

These can be taken as a team, or as individuals, supporting any charitable initiative that staff would like to.

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Chambers HNW