Transport Decarbonisation Plan - Key Take-Aways for Logistics

The Government has published its most recent plan to decarbonise the transport system in the UK. "Decarbonising Transport: A Better, Greener Britain" (the TDP) is intended to be a "greenprint" for the UK's road to a net zero transport industry by 2050. The publication of the plan is particularly timely given that the UK will be hosting the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow later this year.

Asset protection considerations

While the use of trusts to hold UK residential property can potentially offer some degree of asset protection when compared to outright personal ownership , this protection may not be as robust as clients would like.

Tax and estate planning considerations

The acquisition of UK real estate by a non-UK domiciliary will always come with an increased exposure to UK inheritance tax (IHT). The value of UK property in a person’s estate will be subject to IHT at a flat rate of 40% on death if and to the extent that it exceeds the deceased’s available ‘nil rate band’ amount of up to £325,000. This may come as a shock to clients from the US, where the amount that can pass free of Federal estate tax is currently $12.92m!

A resilient outlook for the UK property market in some sectors

Property experts from across the industry agree that while many areas of the UK residential property market are slowing in light of rapidly increasing costs of finance and concerns around the economy in general, high-value London real estate and property located in sought after locations, continues to be a popular choice for international buyers, both as a place to call home and for investment purposes.

The Fire Safety Act 2021 - overview and note for Build to Rent Landlords

Intended to address concerns raised in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the Bill had a bumpy ride through Parliament. Attempts to introduce a clause prohibiting remediation costs being passed to leaseholders failed. Much of the Act remains controversial, with concerns over the burden of costs on leaseholders enduring

The UK cladding crisis - What it means for building owners, purchasers and investors

There has been substantial publicity as to the plight of leaseholders facing serious safety issues and hefty service charge bills and a call for Government action to meet all the rectification costs. But the issue is not limited to residential buildings. It can equally apply to commercial buildings with cladding and there have been particular issues with student accommodation and hotels.

The Recovery Loan Scheme: A Summary

The 31 March 2021 deadline for applications under the previous government-backed COVID-19 loan schemes has well and truly passed, however many businesses still need financial support as they try to recover from the economic effects of the pandemic. The Recovery Loan Scheme (the “Scheme”), announced in the Spring 2021 Budget, aims to do just that. A summary of the Scheme is set out in this article.

Whole life carbon footprint of buildings

Whilst much of the focus on the decarbonisation of the built environment has been on owners and occupiers working together to reduce the operational carbon footprint of buildings, alongside this, we are increasingly hearing about the importance of addressing embodied carbon – the other key factor in establishing the total carbon footprint of a building.


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