Update on the Charities Act 2022 - Part 2

In April 2022, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport set out a plan for phased implementation of the Charities Act 2022 (the “2022 Act”) commencing in Autumn 2022 and continuing in Spring and Autumn 2023.


Student accommodation has proven to be a resilient sector in recent years even as other investment markets have struggled.

Despite the challenges arising from varying factors such as the difficulty in obtaining planning consent for suitable sites and economic factors such as interest rate rises and construction cost inflation, it is a sector that still attracts a great deal interest from both the domestic and international investment communities. This is largely driven by a surge in demand that continues to out-strip supply (and seemingly will for the foreseeable future).

Mortgages for Overseas Buyers of UK Residential Property – The Advantages and Disadvantages

We are often asked by overseas clients buying UK property whether or not they should take out a loan secured against the house or flat they are buying. Quite often buyers have the financial means to complete the purchase without a loan of any kind but nevertheless there are good reasons why they might wish to consider taking out a loan.

In fact, it is increasingly common for overseas buyers to take out mortgages and it is now less likely that they would wish to purchase for cash than was the case a few years ago.

Cuxton Winery Appeal

Case law has established that wineries are agricultural uses for the purposes of planning. However, many vineyard owners and operators include ancillary uses such as visitor centres for wine tasting and restaurants. In a recent appeal decision it was these ancillary uses that caused adverse impacts and harm meaning the appeal was dismissed and planning permission was not granted.


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