Top five things to know about Listed Buildings

Owning a listed building is not for the faint hearted, but it can also be a source of much joy and fulfilment. Here are five crucial things to know for those thinking of purchasing, or already owning, a listed building.

Sotheby’s and Forsters - An Owner's Guide to Art - Part 2

If you wish to transfer artwork from the UK to another jurisdiction, you will need to comply with any applicable export reporting obligations and tax payments under UK rules and any import payment or reporting obligations in the jurisdiction of entry. Similarly, if you wish to bring artwork into the UK, you will likely have an exposure to UK VAT. This article outlines the applicable restrictions and rules in the UK and aims to provide practical tips for the transportation process.

Sotheby’s and Forsters - An Owner's Guide to Art - Part 1

Acquiring and selling art can often be an intimidating prospect, particularly for a first-time buyer or seller. Even well-versed art collectors can find the process hard to navigate. In Part 1, we highlight key points that you may wish to consider when it comes to acquiring and selling art for personal use, either privately or by auction.

Are you being served?

On 3 November 2022, The Court of Appeal published its decision in O G Thomas Amaethyddiath v Turner & Ors [2022] EWCA Civ 1446 which concerned a narrowing of the scope of the Mannai Principle, a rule that can be relied upon in certain circumstances to save a defective notice.

The decision highlights the potential pitfalls in relation to the service of notices and emphasises the importance of taking proper legal advice when serving notices to ensure compliance with service requirements.

The Building Safety Act 2022 (“the Act”)

The Act runs to more than 250 pages, covering a vast range of fire safety related matters in great detail. The Act’s provisions will become law in stages, with the changes to the Defective Premises Act and the Building Act (explained below) having taken effect first on 28 June 2022.

So, what does the Act change in practice?

1. Potential Claims

Extension of Limitation Periods

Last Mile Logistics Conference 2022

On Tuesday 11 October 2022, Commercial Real Estate Senior Associate Paul Grayson, along with Construction Senior Associate, Daniel Burr, attended the Last Mile Logistics Conference at the Postal Museum in London.


“Forsters is technically exceptional. They are one of the top firms in the enfranchisement area.”
Chambers HNW Guide, 2023